Operation Tadpole Rescue a Success!

The water on the new side has risen so much it is flowing over the bridge.

The water on the new side has risen so much it is flowing over the bridge.

Woohoo. I am going to call this a success for Operation Tadpole Rescue. I still haven’t removed the land bridge, but as you can see in the picture the water has risen enough on the new side to cross over by itself. There is still a little trickle at the other end of the creek, even though it has not rained for quite some time, so I think this will keep the pond as full as it is now most of the time.

Long shot of pond and new creek to feed it

Long shot of pond and new creek to feed it

That’s good news because the original intent of the pond was to have a close by source of water for the nearby garden beds, and that did not work out before this new creek was dug. Now I have water coming in to the pond and might be able to borrow some from the critters for watering. While I have been able to use the pump and 150 feet of hose to get water over there, this will be much easier and less wear on the battery.

Now that the tadpoles seem to be rescued, I can get back to rescuing all the lost ladybugs that overwintered in the house and can’t figure out how to get back out.

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